33. Related parties

Ultimate controlling party

TMF Group Holding B.V. (“TMF Group”) is the parent company of our operational entities. The majority of the shares in TMF Group Holding B.V. are held by CVC Strategic Opportunities Fund II ("CVC") and Abu Dhabi Investment Authority ("ADIA") and the remainder of the shares are held by STAK.

Transactions with the Supervisory Board

In millions of Euro

31 December 2023

31 December 2022

Total compensation paid to the Supervisory Board



Short-term employee benefits



Total compensation of the Supervisory Board is paid to independent members of Supervisory board only. 

Transactions with the Management Board

In millions of Euro

31 December 2023

31 December 2022

Total compensation paid to the Management Board



Short-term employee benefits



Post employment pension benefits



The Management Board and some members of the Supervisory Board are participating in the equity settled shared based payment plan. Please refer to note 25 Share-based payment for further detail.