Letter from the Chair
TMF Group exists to be a trusted global partner to our clients as they invest and operate around the world. That is the mission we set for ourselves many years ago and everything we do aims to strengthen our ability to play that role. As we look at the global political and economic landscape, that mission is only set to become more important for our clients as they deal with onerous new regulation, with a more fragmented trading landscape and with rapidly shifting economic fortunes. We need to be a reliable and flexible way for them to stay safe and cope with whatever changes the world throws at them.
Having myself worked in executive and board roles for several major financial institutions, I appreciate the absolute importance of being on the right side of the many rules and regulations that our clients face in their international operations. Our mission is embedded in our values – our commitment to our clients, people, insight, teamwork and integrity. I and my Board make sure these values are the drivers of our decisions and from which strong financial performance is the result.
We are a people business and getting that right is critical to our client service and our own governance. As a Board we place great importance on understanding how well TMF Group works for its people and I am delighted to see the continuing progress with our people agenda, in particular around creating strong career opportunities at TMF Group. A part of that is our commitment to gender balance. We have set up a new Management Committee for TMF Group comprising our top 22 leaders, of whom 36% are women. With a majority of our employees being women, the percentage of women in leadership roles will grow over time.
Offering our clients peace of mind has to start at home with TMF Group’s own good governance. We want TMF Group to be a brand that gives our clients and regulators utmost confidence that proper standards of care apply to the work being done. As such, I and my fellow Supervisory Board members are committed to the highest quality of governance within TMF Group to ensure that the way we operate, for whom we work, and what we do for them, are all aligned with that ambition. I am delighted with the progress made in 2024 and the foundations that creates for building a better TMF Group in 2025 and beyond.
Ann Cairns | Chair of Supervisory Board

- From 2 January 2025, Tucano Holdings Jersey Limited is majority shareholder of TMF Group Holding B.V.; the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of TMF Group Holding B.V. have resigned at the date of transfer and, at that same date, were appointed as directors of Tucano Holdings Jersey Limited.