Star Zhang - HRP specialist


I joined TMF Group...

I joined TMF Group in November 2020 when I was looking for internships like any other freshman. From the comments online, the workplace culture seemed great at TMF so I applied. Soon I was promoted to HRP Associate. This year, I got promoted to a Specialist. In hindsight, I’m glad with my decision to join TMF Group.

I’m responsible for...

My role requires supporting clients' monthly payrolls - reports, and payments. I also help them with policy advice and audits. Currently, I am responsible for about 15 clients.

My career aspirations are...

HRP is more than inputting data in Excel - it is setting payroll systems and solving clients' problems ensuring ease of business. My career path with TMF Group allows me to learn and explore these facets of the role. I was motivated when I got promoted from an intern to an Associate and then a Specialist, which has broadened my role and responsibilities. I see myself continuing to learn and moving forward, embracing opportunities and turning 'Want to do’ into 'Can do'.

TMF Group has supported me by...

TMF Group is not only a company but my work family. It allows me to grow and connect with colleagues beyond boundaries. My leader and team are very supportive, which says a lot about here. When I was an intern, my team hand-holded me to bring me up to speed and taught me the ropes of the job, which is valuable for anyone beginning their professional journey.

TMF also takes care of employees beyond work - for example, sending materials when Shanghai was under lockdown due to COVID-19.

Actions I took to empower myself...

As an intern, I used to proactively sign up for training available within the company to learn and get to know the business better. I have developed specific skills like business writing and understanding local policies through knowledge sharing with my team. We even have a policy research team formed recently, so there is a greater scope of learning through interaction with colleagues across cities, which is exciting!

A career advice to give...

Fast does not necessarily mean good! First, think clearly about what you want and can do - then move forward without hesitation. No matter how difficult the path, trust yourself. Asking a wrong question is not terrible, but evading it is worse.

Keep learning and be yourself